Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

Clear Vision for Change (CIVISCE) is a promoter of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in urban, rural, and humanitarian contexts in Kigoma region, where access to health care services is limited due to economic, cultural, and infrastructural barriers. CIVISCE works to address SRHR related challenges faced by young women, girls, and marginalized groups through:

  • Education and Awareness: CIVISCE provides CSE by collaborating with local communities and schools to provide education on SRH, aiming to reduce early pregnancies, child marriage and the spread of STIs in areas where cultural taboos prevent open discussion about SRH. CIVISCE also works with students in colleges and universities to provide them with knowledge on the broader SRHR. CIVISCE also reaches adolescent girls in schools with Menstrual Health Hygiene education and reusable sanitary pads to ensure regular classroom attendance.


  • Capacity Building: CIVISCE provides training to healthcare providers working in refugee camps and in non-refugee contexts on how to deliver SRH services, including provision of respectful, stigma-free, non-judgmental, and inclusive care for marginalized women, young women and girls. CIVISCE has also been a champion of the Harm Reduction Model, capacitating community health workers and healthcare providers on the use the same  while offering SRH services to girls and young women in the refugee camp.


  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: CIVISCE collaborates with other like-minded NGOs, coalitions, and networks to actively advocate for policies and laws that protect and promote SRHR. This includes access to contraception and PAC services.


The work of CIVISCE in education and awareness, capacity building, and advocacy has contributed to improving health outcomes of women, young women, and girls in targeted communities. Overcoming entrenched cultural, political, and financial obstacles remains essential to ensuring access to SRHR at local level. We are open for partnership to address obstacles and ensure young women’s and girls’ access to SRHR. Interested partners can send us partnership requests to