GBV Prevention and Response

At CIVISCE we understand that Gender-Based Violence (GBV) has wide-ranging and profound impacts affecting individuals, communities and societies including physical and psychological  health, social impact and economic impact, etc. However, prevention and response require a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach to effectively address its root causes and provide adequate support for survivors. The work of CIVISCE under the GBV thematic area focusses on Prevention and Response.


GBV Prevention: to prevent GBV, CIVISCE focuses on:

  • Awareness and Education: CIVISCE does this through 1Community engagement by using local community activism (educating communities about gender equality, women’s rights and the consequences of GBV); 2School programs (implementing gender sensitivity training and GBV awareness in schools), and 3Media campaigns (using media to challenge harmful gender norms).


  • Strengthening Legal Reforms: training law enforcers (police, judges and other stakeholders to handle GBV cases effectively) while advocating for policies that protect survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.


  • Community and Cultural Interventions: CIVISCE works to change norms to address cultural practices that perpetuate GBV, and engaging men and boys in discussions on toxic masculinity, respectful relationships, and advocacy for gender equality.


GBV Response: Under GBV response CIVISCE provides different services including healthcare support which consists of capacitating health services providers on friendly health services provision and collaborating with health facilities to ensure survivors of GBV receive timely and appropriate services. CIVISCE also provides free legal support, case management services, facilitates collaboration between stakeholders and referral systems (from medical care to legal aid).


In addressing GBV, CIVISCE uses the SASA Together approach. We understand GBV prevention and response requires sustained efforts from governments, NGOs, civil society, and communities to create safe and supportive environments for all genders and thus invites interested partners to work with us; hence we remain open for partnership to address GBV in Kigoma region. Partners can email us through