Climate crisis, coupled with Gender inequality is becoming one of the greatest challenges nowadays. At CIVISCE we are aware of the ongoing climate crisis and understand its impact broadly resulting to possibility of more droughts and increased water crisis. More specifically, climate crisis is putting an increasing burden on women and girls, putting threats to women’s and girls’ livelihoods, health and safety and amplifying gender inequality. Besides, there are threats to ways of life, livelihoods, health, safety and security for women and girls around the world, increasing sufferings to millions of women in rural areas who are charged with the responsibility to secure water, food, and firewood for cooking and other domestic duties. With its ongoing crisis, climate change is causing women and girls to face the threat of sexual violence while they already have extra labor.
As a women’s rights and gender activist’s organization, CIVISCE dedicates its resources to address the impact of climate change on women and girls through facilitation to water and sanitation services. To learn more about our work in this area, please contact us via: